Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Where Are We? Day 270

Every 30 days, we mark where we are with a picture and a look back at what we've done.  We spent Day 240 in New ZealandDay 210 in SingaporeDay 180 in Sri LankaDay 150 in ThailandDay 120 in Vietnam (Can Tho), Day 90 in Vietnam (Hanoi), Day 60 in ChinaDay 30 in Russia, and Day 1 in Belgium.  Here's our Day 270 review!

Picture Taken:  In Apollo Bay, a small town on the Great Ocean Road along the southern coast of Australia.

What is one of your favorite things that we did in the past 30 days?

Bob:  The number of animals we saw in Tasmania, especially the Tasmanian Devil.
Meghan:  I loved MONA, the Museum of Old and New Art in Hobart.  I think it's now my favorite art museum in the world.
Emmett:  Feeding the birds in the Blue Mountains.
Colin:  Getting to be in the play in Strahan because it was really fun to pretend to shoot a musket.

What is something you haven't liked?

Bob:  The amount of roadkill on the roads in Australia.
Meghan:  The higher cost of travel in Australia and New Zealand....it balances out with the less expensive cost of travel in SE Asia, but it's still a bit of a shock to our bank account!
Emmett:  Saying goodbye to Mamama and Dadada because we had a really fun time in New Zealand together.
Colin:  Saying goodbye to Mamama and Dadada in Sydney.

What is something you've learned?

Bob:  I learned about the different varieties of microbats and flying foxes in Australia.
Meghan:  I knew of the earthquake that hit Christchurch in 2011, but I had no comprehension of the extent of the devastation, which continues to greatly impact the city and its residents, until we visited.
Emmett:  I learned that male platypi are dangerous because they have poisonous spurs on their back legs.
Colin:  I learned that most of the Sydney Opera House is underground because the peninsula it's on in the Harbour was too small to build a wider building.  So, if you dug through the underground walls, you'd hit water.

What is something you are looking forward to in the next 30 days?

Bob:  Exploring Australia's Outback.
Meghan:  Camping and road tripping in the Australian Outback.
Emmett:  My birthday!
Colin:  Snorkeling at the Great Barrier Reef.

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