Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Where Are We? Day 60

It's time for our Day 60 picture and review!  So far we've taken pictures on Day 1 and Day 30 of our trip.

Picture taken:  At the Mutianyu section of the Great Wall of China.

What was one of your favorite things we did in the past 30 days?

Colin:  The JW Marriott!
Emmett:  Going out into the Mongolian countryside
Meghan:  Spending time in the Gobi Desert and seeing how nomadic Mongolians live
Bob:  Spending time in the Orkhon Valley area of Mongolia

What is something you haven’t liked?

Colin:  All the horn honking in Ulan Bataar
Emmett:  Squat toilets
Meghan:   Eating a lot fewer vegetables in Mongolia (fortunately Chinese food is vegetable rich)
Bob:  The lack of pedestrian friendliness and the feeling that some drivers would be happy to run you over

What is something you’ve learned?

Colin:  That I don’t prefer mare’s fermented milk
Emmett:  I learned that there was a whole city made of palaces only for the emperor (the Forbidden City)
Meghan:  I learned a lot about Mongolian nomadic culture and lifestyle
Bob:  I developed a great appreciation for the heartiness of the Mongolian people

What is something you’re looking forward to in the next 30 days?

Colin:  The Yangtze River cruise
Emmett:  Seeing pandas in Chengdu
Meghan:  Taking a cruise on the Yangtze River
Bob:  The Terracotta Soldiers in Xi'an

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