Sunday, December 4, 2016

Where Are We? Day 150

Every 30 days, we mark where we are with a picture and a look back at what we've done.  We spent Day 120 in Vietnam (Can Tho), Day 90 in Vietnam (Hanoi), Day 60 in China, Day 30 in Russia, and Day 1 in Belgium.  Here's our Day 150 review!

Picture Taken:  In Koh Lanta, Thailand.  Koh Lanta is an island in the Andaman Sea, off the southwest coast of mainland Thailand.

What is one of your favorite things we did in the past 30 days?

Bob:  Getting close to the elephants and getting to see firsthand how gentle and beautiful they are.  After three days, we got more relaxed in approaching and interacting with them, and it almost seemed that they began to recognize and became relaxed with us.
Meghan:  Visiting the temples of Angkor Wat.  This site has been on my bucket list for a long time, and the architecture and artistic detail of the temples were so impressive.
Emmett:  The elephants because I got to play with DeeDee and the baby.
Colin:  The Bamboo Train because it was fast!

What is something you haven't liked?

Bob:  Spending Thanksgiving so far away from family and friends.
Meghan:  The exhaust fumes that are a part of tuk-tuk rides.  Love the tuk-tuks, hate the fumes.
Emmett:  The Cambodia - Thai border crossing--stupidest line ever!
Colin:  The border crossing because it was way too long, there were no fans, and everybody was trying to cut the line.

What is something you've learned?

Bob:  I have learned how much admiration and respect the people of Thailand had for King Bhumibol Adulyadej and how much impact his death has had on this country.
Meghan:  I have learned so much about the Khmer Rouge and the horrific events in Cambodia in the 1970s.  I will never forget seeing human teeth in the ground at the Killing Fields.
Emmett:  That you can make paper out of elephant poo!
Colin:  That the Cambodian government killed people because they were well educated and not farmers.  However, ironically, he (Pol Pot) was well educated.

What is something you are looking forward to in the next 30 days?

Bob:  Going to Sri Lanka!  As much as I have enjoyed exploring southeast Asia, I am looking forward to exploring someplace completely new and different.
Meghan:  A HUGE surprise in store for the boys and a special gift coming for us all. :)
Emmett:  Christmas--getting and giving gifts!
Colin:  Christmas--getting gifts!

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