Thursday, October 13, 2016

Where Are We? Day 90

Every 30 days, we mark where we are with a picture and a look back at what we've done (we spent Day 60 in China, Day 30 in Russia, and Day 1 in Belgium). Here's our Day 90 Review!

Picture taken: In Hanoi, Vietnam.

What was one of your favorite things we did in the past 30 days?

Colin: Seeing the pandas in Chengdu, especially the babies.
Emmett: Rapping on the cruise ship. That was pretty fun because I finally learned all the lyrics to Alphabet Aerobics and performed it.
Meghan: It is hard to narrow it down to one thing because we saw many amazing sights in China. But if I had to pick just would be the Terracotta Soldiers. Seeing those had been on my travel bucket list for a long time, and they were really impressive.
Bob: The scenery of the 3 Gorges during our cruise on the Yangtze River.

What is something you haven’t liked?

Colin: Traffic.
Emmett:  I have not liked the humidity because it makes it really hot.
Meghan:  The "biggest thing has priority" traffic doctrine in China. It felt like drivers would run into/over anything in their way without hesitation...even if that "thing" was a 10 year old on a bike (as we almost experienced with Emmett and a tour bus). We've had to be really cautious with the kids. We're all used to them being able to walk/bike more independently, so Chinese driving habits were a big adjustment and not something I enjoyed.
Bob:  The amount of pollution, both in the air and on the ground. China has some of the most beautiful scenery, but you often can't see it in the distance through the smog. Up close, in the rivers we were surprised at the amount of trash floating by and, along the roads, at the amount of litter and debris.

What is something you’ve learned?

Colin:  I learned that the Terracotta Soldiers were buried in chambers.
Emmett:  I learned that the Terracotta Soldiers were buried with actual weapons, instead of fake ones. Later they were taken away when the ruling dynasty changed.
Meghan:  I need time in more rural places, like Yangshuo. I didn't quite realize the sensory overload I'd been experiencing in China until we had a few days in a calmer location and I could feel my whole body relax.
Bob:  I've already learned substantially more about the Vietnam War, though the history in Hanoi required a propaganda filter.

What is something you’re looking forward to in the next 30 days?

Colin: The beach!
Emmett: Time on the beach!
Meghan: I am looking forward to enjoying more Vietnamese food.
Bob: Getting to see the iconic beauty of Halong Bay.

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