Saturday, August 6, 2016

Where are we? Day 30

Since we took a picture of us on Day One of our trip, we decided to mark every 30 days with a specific photo.  We thought this would be an interesting way to mark the passing of time and distance during this year.

As I was thinking about this small project, I realized that "Where are we?" could also be a chance for us all to reflect on the past 30 days....what we've liked, what we haven't, something we've learned, and something we look forward to.  In this way, we can use a photo and words to locate where we are in both a physical and mental sense.

So here's our Day 30 review!

Picture taken:  In Ulan-Ude, Russia.  The giant Lenin head is the city's most recognizable feature.

What was one of your favorite things we did in the past 30 days?

Colin:  Playing on the beach at Lake Baikal
Emmett:  Playing at the beach at Lake Baikal
Meghan:  Standing in Red Square & seeing St. Basil’s Cathedral
Bob:  Visiting Lake Baikal

What is something you haven’t liked?

Colin:  Squat toilets
Emmett:  I miss my friends
Meghan:  Not being able to run consistently
Bob:  Limited space in some of the hostels

What is something you’ve learned?

Colin: That 70 years ago, you’d go to jail for making a funny picture with a statue of Lenin
Emmett: The Berlin Wall fell because of a mistake someone said on TV
Meghan: More about the Bolshevik Revolution and Russian 20th century political history
Bob: More about the construction and fall of the Berlin Wall and life in East Germany

What is something you’re looking forward to in the next 30 days?

Colin:  Doing archery and riding camels
Emmett:  Riding camels in the Gobi Desert
Meghan: Seeing the Great Wall of China
Bob: Living out in the countryside of Mongolia


  1. Replies
    1. Wouldn't be Asia without them! :) Actually, here in Ulan Bator (the capital) we are only finding Western-style toilets, but when we head out into the countryside soon that is definitely going to change...
