Monday, June 16, 2014

The Moorhouses Have Landed

We have arrived in the Netherlands!  After two easy flights, we landed in Brussels, Belgium at about 7 AM on this morning.  Brussels International Airport is a weary traveler's dream.  From stepping off the plane to passing through immigration was less than 5 minutes.  The only minor negative was that the customs agent really didn't seem impressed or excited that I was moving to Europe.  She's been living there this whole time, after all.

C carefully studying the emergency procedures.

Looking back on our departure from Norfolk:  we survived 3 separate pack outs, all the different "lasts" in our beloved city, and saying goodbye to the dear friends who have become like family.  It was hard to leave behind the incredible people who were daily sources of love, fun, and support.  We know our friendships will endure, however, and we look forward to making new memories together in the future (hopefully some of them in Europe).

A few of my dearest friends on one of my last nights in Norfolk.

Our dear friend Venessa and her girls took us to the airport Sunday afternoon.  Nothing says "keeping it classy" like showing up at the airport with your luggage in a trailer.

This is what it takes when you're traveling with 4 people,
10 checked bags, and multiple carry-ons.

We were met at the Brussels airport by a car service, and our friendly driver Denny took us and our mountain of luggage to Heerlen, Netherlands.  We'll be living in a hotel there while we find a home to rent in the area.  The hotel is great and definitely European:

No bathroom door.
Thank goodness for the separate WC (toilet).

Our Coast Guard sponsor was waiting for us when we arrived, and since our room wasn't quite ready we decided to knock out a few administrative items at Bob's new base.  So that is how, approximately 4 hours after our grand European arrival, I found myself sitting next to a child's play area in a bowling alley, watching American baseball on TV and eating an Egg McMuffin that I paid for with US dollars.  Aaahh, American military bases overseas…'s like you've never even left the States.  I plan on spending as little time as possible on base.

We napped this afternoon and then decided to just walk outside a bit.  We came across a friendly Dutch bee keeper, who happily showed the boys his hives and answered their questions.  And then we came to…our first castle!  Kasteel Terworm, just outside our hotel.  Complete with moat.

I have no idea why there is a gray bar,
but I'm too tired to figure it out now.

We have visited castles in the past, and their history and charm continue to impress.  However, I am fairly sure that, by the end of this two year adventure, we will all be "castled-out" and neglect to give them the same level of excitement we did today.  The hazards of living in Europe…..castle fatigue.

During our dinner in the hotel's restaurant, C repeatedly denied being tired while simultaneously flopping down exhaustedly on any horizontal surface he could find.  Our boys have been troopers, but we're all happy this travel day is over.  They are now sleeping soundly, and I am off to bed as well.  Tot ziens (see you soon)!

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