Friday, May 23, 2014

Welcome to our new blog!

Hello, friends!  I'm starting this blog to keep family and friends (those who care, anyways) up to date on where we are and what we're doing.  A basic recap:  we're moving to the Netherlands for two years!

We are thrilled about the new adventures that await our family.  I thought a blog would be the simplest, least intrusive way to share them.  My goal is to post 2-3 times a week and share our experiences, pictures, and thoughts with y'all (yes, y'all….no matter where I live, I am still a Southern girl at heart).

So…..about this move.  We fly out of Norfolk on June 15th, and land in Brussels, Belgium the next day.  In the next 23 days (yikes), the following will happen:
  • Bob will transition out of his current job;
  • E and C will finish up their school years & visit their grandparents for a week; 
  • I will complete my first term of graduate school;
  • We will have 3 separate pack outs (we already had 1);
  • We will say goodbye to a community & a city that we have dearly loved; and
  • I will maintain my sanity & not be a blubbering mess.
The first 5 are certain, the last one is not.  But I'm doing my best.  :)

Thanks for stopping by!

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