Tuesday, June 28, 2016

It's on the five-day forecast.

Our departure date is fast approaching.  When the weather forecast for a particular place includes the date we arrive, that's when I really know a trip is close.  Well, after about 8 years of dreaming, saving, talking, and planning........the day we start our year-long, "all around the world" trip is now on the five-day forecast.

It still feels surreal that we're about to leave on this adventure.  Bob and I were discussing when we think it's going to sink in that we're actually ON our trip.  For years, this trip has been something in the future, so it's a little hard to fully appreciate that it's quickly becoming the present.

We're very excited that our first stop will be Berlin.  We're looking forward to visiting one of Europe's most vibrant cities and experiencing its history and character.  But since we've spent the last 2 years living in Europe, Berlin will still be relatively familiar.  Landing in Russia and starting our trek eastward towards China is when things are really going to be different, and I think that's when it's finally going to hit us.

Until Saturday, we're enjoying our last days in the Maastricht area and saying the good-byes that are an important part of moving on.  We're so excited for our trip, but we're also sad to leave.  The boys are finishing up their final days of school and Bob and I are finishing up our final "to-do"'s.  And, of course we're all cheering on the Red Devils (Belgium's soccer team) in the Eurocup.  Iedereen mee!! Tous ensemble!!

4 days until departure and counting...